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Thursday, October 1, 2009

Hart Crane Pt. 1

Hart Crane was born in Ohio in 1899. His father was a businessman who owned a candy company and his mom was slightly crazy. He had a tough childhood, because his mother would force him to spend time with her, because she kept on imagining that she would soon catch a fatal disease and die. His mother would continue to control him even when he became an adult. In 1908, he moved to his grandmother's house while his mom recovered from a nervous breakdown. It was at his grandmother's house that he was first exposed to any sort of writing. He began reading pieces by famous poets like Walt Whitman and Ralph Waldo Emerson who eventually became major influences on him. In 1916, he left Ohio to attend college in New York City. In New York, he decided to quit out of college and chose to follow a career in writing. While there he continued to read up on different poet including William Butler Yeats and James Joyce. Soon, he began to abuse alchol, and have relationships with sailors because it turned out that he was gay.


  1. Soo... Your poet was gay, alcholic, and was mentally insane? Sounds like a good guy. Nice job finding all that information though.

  2. I like how you put this info into your own words. Some people are having a hard time with this, and you set a good example here. Do writ ein paragraphs in the future to better organize your thoughts.

  3. I'm curious to see if he reflects what tanner said he was in his writing... can you post a bit of it?

  4. Yes, I agree with Ryan. Is it all morbid, or all about a happy place? Why was he gay with sailors?

  5. This has great info. However, maybe you could post a little more about his writing.
