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Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The Good Earth Quiz

1. So far in this novel, Wang Lung's uncle is my least favorite character. He is a dishonest man who steals and gambles. The first time he comes to Wang Lung for the money, he keeps begging until he blackmails Wang Lung when he says he'll tell everyone in the village that cold rude man. His uncle keeps on coming and asking for more until eventually they have nothing but the land and their house.

2. Partly because of his uncle, and partly because of possible starvation, Wang Lung decides to take his family to one of the southern cities. They ride on a train, which they call a firewagon, and make it to the south city. Once there, Wang Lung is like a fish out of water. He doesn't know how to make a house out of mat, he doesn't know how their money works, and he doesn't know how to make a living. His wife knows how to beg, and Wang Lung learns to pull rickshaws. One thing I noticed was after their first day in the city, Wang Lung's son wouldn't let of the money he earned be begging. I think this might be a foreshadowing that if Wang Lung becomes rich, his son will be like one of the sons in the House of Hwang and run around doing whatever he wishes.


  1. Wow, nice guess! did you read ahead? Thats what happened in the chapters we read for today...
    Your writing was very clear and strong. There's not much I can say except that I think you could have combined the two paragraphs due to the way you wrote them.

  2. This is strong. You are starting to really work purposefully with syntax, and it shows. Excellent.
