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Monday, September 14, 2009

A Jury of Her Peers Response

I believe that there are many reasons as to why Mrs. Wright killed Mr. Wright by strangling instead of using a gun against him, the biggest being that she wanted to punish him. If this story is taking place in the early 1900's, then most people being executed were probably done so by hanging. Mrs. Wright probably decided to strangle him as a way of punishing him after 20 years of being forced to live under him. He also took away the two things she loved the most, singing and her canary. When Mrs. Wright was younger she was one of the church choir members and loved to sing. Once she married Mr. Wright he prevented her from singing and she had to find another thing to replace it, which she found in the canary. She loved her canary and then Mr. Wright strangled it. This was probably the final straw for Mrs. Wright who would have wanted to kill her husband, but in a way that would make Mr. Wright regret killing her bird. Since the canary was what pushed her over the edge, killing Mr. Wright the same way he had killed her bird would have been satisfying to Mr. Wright instead of just using a gun and pulling a trigger.


  1. I liked that you said she got the canary to replace her singing, which I didn't see, but maybe next time you could focus more on one topic because you had two reasons as to why she strangled Mr. Wright.

  2. That is a pretty beast paper. I thought the whole thing about how she found a replacement for her not being able to sing because Mr. Wright wouldn't let her is a really good idea, it totally missed that. Another good thing is how you icluded the text evidence on how she was in the church choir. I also like yuur notion on why she hung him instead of shooting him. Maybe next time you could make it a little more perfect. It's so good i cant think of anything bad on it.

  3. It's a nice point how you explained that she wanted him to die slowly and painfully just like her precious bird did, and that she couldn't just kill him with a gun, she had to do it the same way he did it to her bird.

  4. Hanging is a very difficult job for one person to do, the only thing I don't understand about this story is how Minnie would be able to hang him by herself.

  5. I like how thorough you are in your response, with lots of text evidence and backup to your reasons you give. You write well, but it could become even better if you incorporate more connections to real events and be a little more creative. No offense, but it seems like you say what everyone else in the class is saying -- how she killed him by strangling him and because he strangled the canary and her voice. This response would have been even better if you put a new spin on it.
