
Essay Blog

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Wednesday, February 17, 2010


A peaceful green valley, a natural habitat filled with nature and life. Waterfalls flow gently down the side, ending in a sparkling clear river that winds it's way through the valley floor. Birds fly above, and the animals run below. Crickets chirp softly while the soft light of fireflies begins to glow as night falls. Suddenly, a disturbance wakes the animals from rest, birds begin a frightened flight away from their homes leaving the young ones who can't fly behind. The animals hurriedly try to run away before being swallowed by the jaws that steadily approach it. As morning comes and the sun rises over the valley, it's time for another day of work for the logging company.


  1. I really enjoyed reading this piece. I like how you said: "the soft light of fireflies begins to glow as night falls", it sounds relaxing and peaceful. Also, the final sentence of this paragraph gives it a very cool ending.

  2. This was really good. You did a great job of setting the scene and it made you want to keep reading. Great job :)

  3. This is a really good piece! It's really decriptive and it made me feel as though I was really there. Good job!

  4. I like how it builds up to the tragic end, the jaws of the lumber company.
