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Thursday, December 3, 2009

Quote Response

“He regarded me with a look of affection that made him almost abhorrent to me again, though I had felt great pity for him.”(pg. 351) Pip thinks about his convict this after he learns that his benefactor is not Miss Havisham, but the convict from so long ago that he had forgotten, but who had not forgotten him. Pip’s initial reaction to this is not one of love, but one of disgust. He had prided himself on being the recipient of Miss Havisham’s money, only to learn that he was in fact receiving money from a convict, a member of the lowest level of society. Pip treats the convict with the arrogance of a gentleman, forgetting that it was the convict who had made him the gentleman. The convict loves Pip like a son and showers him with money, and Pip just looks at him in disdain and just takes the money as his.


  1. Greg,
    Your vocabulary thgoughout this response was great, so I think yo umet your first writing goal. Although you did not really use any devices, your sentance structure was pretty good. I think you didn't really have enough opinion. I think shorter responses should actually have more opinion than essays (thats just my thought, though). If you put a couple of sentences at the end about what this means, and how it ties into the theme or sub-theme, this would mean a lot more.
    Nice response!

  2. Your vocabulary was great! I would have to agree with Ryan. You really didn't have any opinion in your responce. Maybe next time sya what the quote means to you! otherwise, Keep up the good work!

  3. This is pretty good. It explains what the quote is about but i think you could have gone into a little bit more detail and made this respnse a bit longer. However it is a really good quote on Pip's feelings.

  4. Nice response. I agree with ryan about your own opinion, but your explanation of the quote was very clear, and used great vocabulary. One other thing is that there is an error in the first sentence of your explanation that kind of confused me, so you might want to fix that. Overall, great response.
